Category: Travel: City Scapes

  • Moscow Memories

    Moscow Memories

    A walk down memory lane is sometimes therapeutic. I feel so at least. The following collection of photographs / digital art are based on my photographs from my two visits to Moscow in Russia in 2013 and 2016 While times have very much changed over the past decade between east and west, the beauty of…

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  • Rome In a Day? No Way!

    Rome In a Day? No Way!

    Welcome or welcome back! I hope you have enjoyed the content across my site. Today this blog entry shall be a simple one Rome has always been a place in my heart and dreams that I wanted to see. The sense of history mixed with the roman mentality has always been a draw for me…

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  • Simply Berlin

    Simply Berlin

    In a slight change or maybe bigger change, Ill be taking a more personal ad hoc emotive approach to my writing of posts going forward – do bare with me as I am still very much just starting to figure out my writing style for this site. My photography is in the same vein and…

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  • Welcome, One and All

    Welcome, One and All

    Welcome all. Thank you for visiting. This first post is just a little open introduction about myself with some personal angles. I will be starting to upload my work(s) over the next couple of months but I thought that I would take the chance to introduce myself and the vision of this site/blog/artistic expression shall…

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