Welcome, One and All


Welcome all. Thank you for visiting.

This first post is just a little open introduction about myself with some personal angles. I will be starting to upload my work(s) over the next couple of months but I thought that I would take the chance to introduce myself and the vision of this site/blog/artistic expression shall be.

I’m a long time admirer of the visual arts in its various forms. Whether it be film, photo, or art – visual moments have always captured my mind and wove dreams and thought. For someone who is more intellectual than emotive – the visual world have been an immense engaging force in my life in terms of inspiration, love and passion – allowing the mind to perceive and the body to act where words and thoughts would otherwise fail.

Though currently my daily job is behind a desk working for a corporate conglomerate, my desire is to eventually step out of the daily rat race and into a full time life of creative exploration.

I have always had an immense hunger for travel. That desire to explore, to learn and to see with clarity or emotion, the world.

This desire along with my wanting to find a medium for expressive emotion is one of the reasons that I want to further explore and capture these rare moments with or without triage, whilst sharing the final work.

Especially now that life has, through love and loss recently, extended a hand to me to start exploring my creative side and the world with a renewed vigour.

As I illuded to: I have gone through an incredibly painful breakup recently, it left me facing some serious existential questions about my emotional self, the direction of my life and the meaning of what it should really be. However said person that I do love, did for me, through our time spent together and in the pain of my loss of her: showed me a door to a better, creative journey along with better emotional expressive understanding.

Though it be over for the time being – my love for her and our shared excitement and passion for exploring the world, has re-awakened my desire to try capture those precious moments in a clarity or emotive form as they do come so rarely.

I now dare to dream of building a life on a creative dream. All I can say is to you to that person – Thank You for sharing this eternal gift while we were one and the same. This dream and new beginning journey wise would not have happened without you. Know that I love you.

So with a glimpse of my personal self and reasons, one may ask: why come here? What shall you see and read?

Well I say to you, dear visitor, that I hope to bring something to everyone that visits this site – even if its only one still or capture to each person who visits. A moment of unexpected emotion, a truly breath-taking unset scape – whether it be in Europe, Eurasia or near my home of Ireland – moments of clarity and/or beauty should be shared. Each shall be accompanied with written expression, though I know not as to what style as of yet.

This is a new journey – one borne out of the wearing of time, the feeling of loss recently and the desire to really take on this for self discovery. My plan for this website is initially to be a place where:

  1. To share current photos/photo art that I am working on. Post edit, I shall share some beautiful spots that I have been to over the past couple of years
  2. Then I shall be embarking on the road to see and best capture:
    • 2025/6: Ireland/United Kingdom – focusing on natural beauty spots
    • 2027/8: The First Great Eurasian Journey (for me anyway – 4-16 weeks) – Focusing on natural beauty spots and urban/cultural wonders (Probable List of Countries:
      • Russia (Trans Mongolian/Manchurian Rail)
      • China (and maybe Japan/Korea)
      • Thailand
      • Vietnam
      • Cambodia
      • India (if possible)

This I hope will be the start of something quite special, and I hope that along the way that I can share at least one moment of clarity or beauty that truly opens you up to a dream or a memory of happiness and/or contentment.

So it begins… More to come over the next few months

Thank You for reading though all this and for coming over to the site.


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